A Tribute to Louise Hay: You CAN heal your life

A Tribute to Louise Hay: You CAN heal your life

It was with great sadness that I learned about the passing of Louise Hay, a woman whose influence had a significant impact on me personally and professionally.

My introduction to Louise’s work was in 1991. I came across her book, You Can Heal Your Life, while doing research for a new workshop I was designing called Cancer as a Chance to Live. The workshop was focused on helping people with cancer to use their illness as a pathway to changing whatever wasn’t serving them in their lives. At the time, my German husband and I were living and working in Munich, and involved in the study of Psychoimmunology (the interaction between psychological processes, and the nervous and immune systems of the body). I was fascinated by Louise’s writings on the mind-body connection, and I started recommending her book to clients, family members, and friends.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

9/26/17 – Mastering the Art of Wholeness (Newton, MA)
Many people spend years waiting for another person to complete them. Others settle for unfulfilling relationships out of fear of being alone. Coach, psychotherapist, CNN commentator, and bestselling author Lauren Mackler discusses her groundbreaking road map to help you achieve a greater sense of wholeness and self-mastery—whether you’re living life on your own or in a relationship. Mastering the Art of Wholeness is about shedding old, self-defeating patterns, retrieving your “lost parts”, and more fully becoming the person you were born to be.

Recipe for Optimal Living

Recipe for Optimal Living

Trust Your Intuition
Your intuition is your instinctive knowing about whether something’s right or wrong for you. It’s part of your innate human nature and a practical tool for honoring who you really are. To develop your intuition, start paying attention to it. When you have to make a decision, ask yourself: How does this feel for me? Is this what I should be doing? Use your intuition to help you create the life you want and to avoid situations that are detrimental to you.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

8/12/17 – Living Fearlessly (Cambridge, MA)
Our innate potential is often diminished by fears of failure, not being good enough, criticism, rejection, and other self-limiting fears. These patterns shape our feelings about ourselves and the roles we play that keep us feeling safe. Coach, psychotherapist, CNN commentator, and bestselling author Lauren Mackler discusses how to uncover the roots of the fears that keep you stuck, transform self-defeating patterns, and override your fears to create and live a personal and professional life that you love.

Is Fear Running You?

Is Fear Running You?

Fear is one of the biggest obstacles people face in managing change and moving forward in their lives. If you’re living your life based on avoiding the things that you fear, you’re not free to take risks or pursue your dreams. If your energy is being expended in avoiding failure, rejection, physical harm, and emotional pain by avoiding the people, places, and situations that trigger your fears—then that energy is tied up in your vigilance to stay safe instead of in fulfilling your potential.

Leading Organizational Change

Leading Organizational Change

Resistance is a natural element of change, which can hinder or terminate movement. Whether the human body or an organization, a system will resist change perceived as threatening. During organizational transitions, people resist in response to fear of losing control or their jobs. Although they may recognize the need for change, their fear causes them to hold tight to the status quo.

Shifting Codependency to Conscious Partnership

Shifting Codependency to Conscious Partnership

Patti Scialfi, a recording artist in her own right, has been married to Bruce Springsteen since 1991. They have three children together. Some time ago, she was interviewed on the radio about her new CD, and my ears perked up when I heard what she had to say about her marriage. “You know, I was a child of the ’50s,” she told interviewer Liane Hansen of NPR. “There was the idea that love is a simplistic promise of completion . . . that you’re going to find the missing half, your lost twin, your soul mate. I don’t think that you can look for something external to really complete you that way.” She went on to say that her marriage had broadened her and given her a sense of fulfillment, but, she added, “You can’t really look for that. And if you’re looking for that, you’re going to be disappointed.”

Become Who You Were Born to Be!

Become Who You Were Born to Be!

Imagine your life if you could step out from behind your “mask” and fully become the person you were born to be. What if you could reclaim your magnificence, liberate your potential, and ignite that potential in every aspect of your life?

We’re all born with unique personalities, passions, gifts, and strengths that, as we grow up, are often diminished by fear, shame, anger, perfectionism, and other self-defeating patterns. These patterns shape our feelings about ourselves and the limiting roles we play to keep us feeling safe.

Ever Feel Like a Fraud?

Ever Feel Like a Fraud?

Despite two years of therapy and a high degree of professional success, a client came to me several years ago seeking help with a problem I’ve seen many times in my coaching practice. “Nate” was plagued by feelings of low self-esteem, unworthiness, and never being good enough. Although he hid it well, the energy it took to maintain the image of someone who had it all together was exhausting him. He was also afraid that others would see through his façade and find out that he was really a fraud. Not only was this causing him a lot of stress at work, his insecurities were having a negative impact on his marriage, as he was often withdrawn and distant with his spouse.

Essential Keys to Success

Essential Keys to Success

Many people fail to achieve their goals because they never learned the skills that produce success. No one ever taught them how to set clear goals, create effective action plans, or sustain their motivation.

Whether you want to become a better leader, create a more fulfilling career, or bring greater balance into your life, there are three keys to achieving any type of goal: focus, strategy, and commitment.