
Minimize Stress and Maximize Life!

Knowing how stress can affect people's physical health and emotional well-being, I am thrilled to support my friend Kristen Brown's new book, The Happy Hour Effect: 12 Secrets to Minimize Stress and Maximize Life. Chock full of practical tools from Kristen, myself, and other contributing authors, the book is a great resource for managing stress in all areas of your life. Order it today and you'll receive $1000 in free bonus gifts! To order, click here.

Wholeness as a Way of Life

As many of you know, the foundation of my Illumineering Coaching work, workshops, and Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life book is all about becoming whole—reclaiming and liberating your potential and living the personal and professional life to which you aspire. So I'm especially thrilled to share with you Carmen Harra's new release, Wholeliness, a beautiful book about wholeness and living in harmony with all that exists. I’ve long believed that reclaiming the innate wholeness with which each of us are born is a critical prerequisite for living a healthy, purposeful, and joyful life. And toward that end, I often recommend books that promote personal transformation. But as a long-time advocate and teacher of human wholeness, I'm especially thrilled to recommend and support the release of Carmen's beautiful new book. To order, click here.

Solemate French Edition!

Solemate by Lauren Mackler
Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life!
Solemate is now available in French! Solemate is about mastering the art of aloneness, but it's not about being alone. International bestseller, Solemate, gives you the tools you need to develop the self-awareness and life skills to live a full, happy, successful, and financially secure life—with or without a partner. To order the new French edition, click here. To order in English, click here.

Lauren Recommends: What Does That Mean?

What Does That Mean? by Eldon Taylor What Does That Mean? Exploring Mind, Meaning and Mysteries by New York Times bestselling author Eldon Taylor is an in-depth exploration of the mind, meaning, and life’s mysteries. It's a unique and inspiring book that not only explains many of life’s uncertainties, but provides a pathway to greater emotional healing. Order the new paperback today and receive free gifts from me and other thought leaders! Click here to order.

Lauren Recommends: Flash Foresight

Flash Foresight by Daniel Burrus Flash Foresight: How to See the Invisible and Do the Impossible shows you how to re-invent your business because if you don’t, someone else will! International bestselling author, Daniel Burrus, has been predicting trends for more than 25 years—and has been right! Order the book today and receive free gifts from me and many other leading visionaries! Click here to order.

Lauren Recommends: Love for No Reason

Love for No Reason by Marci Shimhoff Bestselling author Marci Shimhoff’s wonderful new book, Love For No Reason: 7 Steps To Creating A Life of Unconditional Love, provides practical tools for experiencing brilliant, warmth-filled love within yourself, sensing it in the world around you, and sharing that love more fully with others. Order the book today and receive free gifts from me and many others! Click here to order.

Lauren Recommends: Fried

Fried by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. In this breakthrough work, Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive, my friend and colleague Dr. Joan Borysenko straddles psychology, biology, and spirituality in a groundbreaking approach to burnout. Joan’s deeply human (and often amusing) personal account of burnout and recovery, and the rich wisdom of people who have gone from fried to revived, make this powerful book a must-read for our times. Order today and receive free gifts from me and many others! Click here to order.

Lauren Recommends: The Worry Solution

The Worry Solution by Marty Rossman, M.D. From one of America's leading experts in mind-body medicine, The Worry Solution is one of the best books on worry and stress to appear in years. Dr. Marty Rossman teaches you how to separate productive worry from futile worry, and turn unnecessary stress and anxiety into confidence and joy. Order today and receive free gifts from me and many other leading thought leaders! To order, click here.

Lauren Recommends: The Soulmate Secret

The Soulmate Secret by Arielle Ford Author Arielle Ford used the techniques in The Soulmate Secret to meet her husband at age forty-four, to whom she’s been happily married for over ten years. With practical tools and techniques, The Soulmate Secret will help you prepare your home, body, mind, and spirit for the loving partnership to which you aspire. To order, click here.

Lauren Recommends: Power of Slow

The Power of Slow by Christine Louise Hohlbaum

Tired of feeling rushed and stressed? Christine Hohlbaum, author of The Power of Slow: 101 Ways to Save Time in Our 24/7 World (featured in O magazine, Redbook, and NPR) offers the gift of time this holiday season. Christine’s 101 principles helps you establish a more positive relationship with time, so you can have more of it! Purchase Christine’s book today, December 7th and receive free bonus gifts from me , Shirley MacLaine, Arielle Ford, Peggy McColl, and many other thought leaders! Click here to order.

Lauren Recommends: Self-Hypnosis Collection

Self-Hypnosis Training Collection by Eldon Taylor New York Times best-selling author Eldon Taylor's Self-Hypnosis Training Collection helps people become their personal best. Hypnosis is a practical tool that can be used to optimize people’s health, reduce stress, enhance learning, and improve relationships. What most people don't know is that we don’t need someone else to hypnotize us; it’s something we can do ourselves! To order Eldon’s collection and receive gifts from me and other thought leaders, click here.

Lauren Recommends: Be Love Now

Be Love Now by Ram Dass Forty years ago, Ram Dass released his first book, Be Here Now, a landmark classic that inspired an entire generation to apply ancient Eastern wisdoms in their daily lives. In his newest book, Be Love Now, he provides a simple yet effective switch for releasing your potential and changing your life, addressing questions we all ponder at some point, such as Who am I? and What’s my life purpose? To order Ram Dass’ book and receive free gifts from me and other thought leaders, click here.

Lauren Recommends: Muhammad by Deepak Chopra

MUHAMMAD: A Story of the Last Prophet At a time when Islam is both the world’s fastest-growing religion and a source of controversy, Deepak Chopra takes us back to the origins of this often misunderstood faith. MUHAMMAD is the latest in Chopra’s series of “teaching novels” depicting the founders of the world’s great religions, which began with his New York Times bestsellers Buddha and Jesus. To order your copy, click here!

Lauren Recommends: The Big Book of You

The Big Book of You by Jennifer McLean

The Big Book of You by Jennifer McLean is about recognizing your human flaws, while celebrating your magnificence and strengths. With raving endorsements from many best-selling authors, this book is creating a buzz and changing peoples lives! To order your copy and receive free gifts from me and many other thought leaders, click here.

Lauren Recommends: Inspiration Deficit Disorder

Inspiration Deficit Disorder By Jonathan Ellerby Many of the challenges people face today—stress, job dissatisfaction, depression, and addiction—are often symptoms of an inspiration deficit disorder, the result of being disconnected from our natural wisdom, talent, and sense of what matters most. Inspiration Deficit Disorder: The No-Pill Prescription to End High Stress, Low Energy, and Bad Habits presents inspiration as a choice, and provides practical tools to correct an “inspiration imbalance” faster than you think! To order the book and receive gifts from me and other leading thought leaders, click here.

Lauren Recommends: Choosing Easy World

Choosing Easy World by Julia Rogers Hamrick Choosing Easy World: A Guide to Opting Out of Struggle and Strife and Living in the Amazing Realm Where Everything is Easy is a transformational and new paradigm for daily living. The book clarifies the internal conspiracy that keeps you from living a life of ease and joy, and provides practical keys to override the self-defeating forces that keep you trapped in the world of struggle and difficulty, with your dreams always just beyond your reach. To order the book and receive bonus gifts from me and many other thought leaders, click here.

Lauren Recommends: SuperCompetent

SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best By Laura Stack In this competitive economy, just being able to do your job is no longer enough. Competence is expected; you’ve got to be Super Competent to get a leading edge. Whether you’re an employee, an entrepreneur, or a CEO, SuperCompetent gives you proven methods to reach your and your organization’s maximum potential and achieve breakthrough results. Order the book on or after August 9th and receive gifts from me and many other leading thought leaders. To order, click here.

Lauren Recommends

Truth, Triumph, and Transformation: Sorting Out the Fact from the Fiction in Universal Law By New York Times best-selling author, Sandra Anne Taylor

In this enlightening book, my friend and fellow Hay House author, Sandra Anne Taylor, examines the many elements of destiny, and separates the reliable facts from the confusing fiction that has built up around the laws of attraction. She offers a unique and comprehensive understanding about why things really happen, empowering you to triumph over difficult cycles without self-blame or fear. No matter what obstacles you may encounter, you can turn adversity into new opportunities! Let go of the lies and the clichés, and learn the whole truth in this wonderful new book. Sandra has been a guest on my Life Keys show and Solemate Teleseminar, and I can tell you, this is a woman who really knows her stuff! To purchase the book and get receive free bonus gifts from me and many other authors, click here.

Lauren Recommends: Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom

The newest version of the groundbreaking classic, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by my Hay House colleague and friend, Dr. Christiane Northrup has just been released! Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom is an essential women’s guide for how to truly flourish, not merely avoid disease. The new Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom is an owner’s manual designed to teach you everything that can go right with your body. You can purchase Dr. Northrup’s beloved classic everywhere books are sold. To read an excerpt, go to www.drnorthrup.com.