GOT SELF LOVE? Build a loving, healthy relationship with your SELF using the step-by-step roadmap in the bestselling book SOLEMATE!
Solemate Book Events: Boston & Los Angeles
9/24/11 Boston, MA
10/14/11 Los Angeles, CA
World-renowned coach and bestselling author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, Lauren Mackler, presents her groundbreaking roadmap to help you achieve mastery of your own life, and greater wholeness and well-being on your own or in a relationship. For info and registration, click here.
Are You Living Deliberately?
I was interviewed 3/29/11 on the Dr. Molly Barrow Radio Show about how to live deliberately and become the person you were born to be. To hear or download the episode, click here.
Review of Lauren Mackler’s Solemate
January 4, 2011 by T.U. Dawood
Lauren Mackler has put her heart and soul into Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, a Hay House publication that walks readers through the importance of finding completion within oneself. She believes that first one must be whole because connecting with others.
She shares her own life story and experience as a prelude and support to the exercise and the guidelines she shares to help readers achieve wholeness.
Chapters like “Uncovering Your Unconditioned Self” talk about how you are born full of all emotions and free to express them. Growing up in a family unit starts affecting how you feel about your emotions and which you start expressing and most particularly repressing. Unprogramming yourselves from this is a very challenging thing to be but can have immense rewards for through this effort you can discover what your true preferences are and then make decisions that are best for you, not what other people may think is best for you.
Mackler continues this process through her “Living Deliberately Versus by Default” chapter where she suggests:
- Sending loving messages to yourself
- Taking good care of yourself
- Do nice things for yourself
- Set boundaries with other people
- Become your own advocate
- Believe in yourself
- Be compassionate
She culminates these suggestions with her chapter “Bringing Your Vision to Life,” where she has created exercises to facilitate and expedite a reader’s achievement of the goals of the book. Exercise One identifies the most important attributes of your ideal life, Exercise Two teaches you how to write a Life Vision statement, Exercise Three identifies barriers you may face, Exercise Four helps you narrow an action plan to three specific goals, Exercise Five helps you develop a set of action steps to help you achieve those goals and Exercise Six facilitates the creation of a new life structure.
There is a lot of depth and immense soul in Solemate, and if you are able to read through the over 300 pages of text, you will emerge much more confident and happier about yourself. The exercises to are useful, but definitely involve work and action on your part. This is not the passive, lazy guide to loving yourself. That being said, if you choose to walk through Mackler’s program, you will likely find yourself on the heels of a successful appreciation of yourself and a mastery of the Art of Aloneness. The perfect place to be if you want to fall in love.

T. U. Dawood is a freelance journalist. Check out her self-optimization website Preview Your Life.
Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life Workshop
October 15-17, 2010
Omega, Rhinebeck, NY
November 26-28, 2010 Kripalu, Lenox, MA
Many people spend years waiting for a “soul mate” to complete them. Others settle for unfulfilling relationships out of fear of being alone. This life-changing workshop lifts the social stigma of aloneness and provides a groundbreaking roadmap for gaining mastery of your own life so you can achieve a sense of wholeness and well-being on your own or in a relationship.
In this powerful weekend with Lauren Mackler, you will learn how to:
Uncover the hidden roots of self-sabotaging behaviors Become whole and complete on your own Build a loving, respectful, and caring relationship with yourself Develop a strong inner and outer support system Clarify your life vision and strategies to achieve it
Rather than expecting someone else to complete you, Lauren will show you how to become the partner you seek—your own cherished solemate. This workshop is for people who are single, divorced, or seeking greater independence within their partnership.
Solemate Workshop at Omega: 10/15-17, 2010
Many people long for an ideal partner, a “soul mate” to make them feel complete. Others settle for unfulfilling relationships out of fear of being alone. This program is about mastering the art of aloneness, but it’s not about being alone. With a groundbreaking road map to help you achieve mastery of your own life, you can experience a sense of wholeness and well-being on your own or in a relationship. Based on Lauren Mackler’s Solemate book, this weekend is about becoming the person you were born to be and shedding old beliefs and behaviors that limit your ability to realize your greatest potential. Topics include
Uncovering your conditioned and authentic self Managing fear so it doesn’t manage you Living deliberately versus by default Reclaiming your innate wholeness Becoming the partner you seek Building an inner and outer support system Creating and achieving your life vision
The workshop is designed for women and men who are single or divorced, or seeking greater independence within their partnership.
October 15-17, 2010 Omega Institute Rheinbeck, NY
8/12 Teleseminar with Joan Borysenko and Caroline Sutherland!
Join me for the 8/12 Solemate Teleseminar, Building a Strong Inner Support System, 7-8:30pm ET, 4-5:30pm PT with panelists Dr. Joan Borysenko and Caroline Sutherland! To register click here.
Solemate Presentation & Signing in Cambridge 7/17/10
Many people spend years waiting for a soul mate to make them complete. Others settle for unfulfilling relationships out of fear of being alone. Renowned coach, radio host, and bestselling author of “Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life” Lauren Mackler will present her groundbreaking roadmap to help you achieve mastery of your own life, so you can experience a sense of wholeness and well-being on your own or in a relationship. Based upon Lauren's “Solemate” book, this presentation is about treating yourself well, shedding your self-defeating patterns, and becoming the person you were born to be.
July 17, 2010
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Cambridge Center for Adult Education
42 Brattle Street
Cambridge. MA
A New View of Aloneness
Although being single is more accepted than it was 30 years ago, there’s still a mindset that if you don’t have a mate, there must be something wrong with you. Many people still believe that marriage is the ideal lifestyle, and we’re barraged by music and movies espousing romantic love as the answer. It’s difficult to even imagine a movie that ends with the star living contently alone instead of living happily-ever-after with a mate. The classic line in the film Jerry Maguire—“You complete me”—reinforces what many singles believe: If I can find a mate, I’ll be happy. And if I can’t, I’m in trouble.
If you’re alone and believe that “there must be something wrong with me” it will have an enormous impact on your life. You may actually be setting yourself up for rejection because other people are less likely to be drawn to someone lacking self-confidence. And feelings of low self-worth may cause you to withdraw from the very people and activities that can enrich your life. Loneliness then becomes a self-perpetuating and self-fulfilling prophecy.
If you want to live a happier life alone, you have to believe that you can. Instead of viewing aloneness as a source of loneliness and pain, think of it as one of freedom and opportunity. To reframe negative perceptions, write down the challenges of your aloneness. Your list might include things like: “I make others’ needs more important than my own,” or “I feel insecure around people I don’t know.” Identify whatever holds you back from reaching your fullest potential. Now next to each challenge, write down the opportunity it presents. Based on my examples, these might include, “Learn how to set healthy boundaries with people” and “Develop greater self-confidence around people.”
Next, start turning those opportunities into action. Here’s an example: Let’s say you have a free Saturday. You can look at it from two perspectives. You can stay home feeling sorry for yourself because you have nothing to do. Or you can look at it differently: “I have a free day to do anything I want. I can go to the gym, call a friend and go to the movies, work in my garden, or read a great novel.” Then do something that something that truly engages you.
As you take steps toward mastering aloneness, recognize that you’ll slip up. Imagine how a smoker quits smoking. He throws away that first pack of cigarettes. Then he might weaken and buy another pack, then just smoke a few cigarettes, then give it up for another few weeks, then start up again. And one day, he’s just done with it. Like quitting smoking, mastering aloneness is about changing habitual patterns of thought and behavior. Be gentle with yourself. When you slip up, think of it as getting more information about what doesn’t work for you. Committing to mastering the art of aloneness means realizing that you will slip up; treating yourself with compassion when you do, and then moving forward in becoming the person you were born to be. To view Lauren's video interview, A New View of Aloneness, click here.
© 2010 Lauren Mackler
SOLEMATE Reading Group Tool Kit
The Solemate Reading Group Tool Kit is designed to be used in tandem with the bestselling book Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life. The Tool Kit contains information, tips, and materials for forming and leading a Solemate Reading Group. Solemate Reading Groups are a wonderful way to provide people with a supportive setting in which they can share their experience of the mastering the art of aloneness process in a group environment; benefit from others’ experiences and insights; and enjoy a supportive community of like-minded people committed to mastering the art of aloneness and to achieving the life vision to which they aspire. To order your copy click here.
Lauren on DivaToolBox Radio
Listen to my interview with Janet Powers on Diva Tool Box.
About Janet Powers: "Across the Kitchen Table with Janet Powers" shares practical advice women need to succeed. She highlight guests from across the globe who inspire, educate and empower people with the information they need to succeed!
Nurturing & Loving Yourself
Bestselling author and renowned coach Lauren Mackler talks about developing your "Inner Nurturing Parent" to build a strong, loving relationship with yourself and live a healthy, fulfilling, and self-sufficient life. Lauren is the author of the international bestseller, Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, fellow author of Speaking of Success with Jack Canfield and Stephen Covey, and host of the Life Keys radio show on Hay House Radio.
Book Review: Master the Art of Aloneness on
You’ve probably heard the saying: “To love, you have to first love yourself.” This saying truly gets to the heart of Lauren Mackler’s Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness and Transform Your Life . I have to be completely honest, I’m biased in writing this review. Lauren Mackler was my career coach and instrumental in inspiring me to start Sheer Balance. So when it came to reviewing her book, I was sold even before I had my very own signed copy in hand. Although I never hired Lauren as a life coach, Lauren’s methodologies and approach as a career coach were sound, practical and results oriented. After reading Solemate, I can honestly attest that the same holds true for her approach to life coaching.
While many of Lauren’s contemporaries and colleagues fall into the “Law of Attraction” arena, which for some of us seems way to ambiguous, dreamy and borderline “hoo-haey,” Lauren’s approach to finding happiness is packaged neatly into a step-by-step process that is commonsensical, relevant and real. She has created a road-map that has real destinations with real purpose. In short, it is easy to understand why her process works and why anyone, no matter their life experiences, can adopt her philosophy and her teachings. Solemate is the perfect book for anyone at any age…single or not…looking to find more happiness, purpose and overall mental well-being…to read the entire review Click Here.
Mastering the Art of Aloneness Interview on The Healthy Living Show
More people are living single lives than ever before. In the US today, there are 95.7 million singles, representing nearly half of all adults. Despite these numbers, attitudes have changed remarkably little. There's still a mid-set that if you're single there must be something wrong with you, and most people believe that marriage is the ideal lifestyle. On this episode, bestselling author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, Lauren Mackler, is interviewed by host Brett Blumenthal about the stigma of aloneness and Lauren’s ground-breaking, step-by-step road map for gaining mastery of your own life, so you can achieve a sense of wholeness and well-being on your own or in a relationship. To listen to the one-hour interview, just click on the title link above.
Solemate at Boston Center for Adult Education: 6/5/10
Many people spend years waiting for a soul mate to make them complete. Others settle for unfulfilling relationships out of fear of being alone. Renowned coach, radio host, and bestselling author of “Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life” Lauren Mackler will present her groundbreaking roadmap to help you achieve mastery of your own life, so you can experience a sense of wholeness and well-being on your own or in a relationship. Based upon Lauren’s “Solemate” book, this presentation is about treating yourself well, shedding your self-defeating patterns, and becoming the person you were born to be.
June 5, 2010 10:00am – 12:00pm
Boston Center for Adult Education 122 Arlington Street Boston, MA 02116 617.267.4430
Solemate Review by a High Schooler
Read this review by Emily Keller, Watervliet Junior - Senior High School. To say the least, my senior year of high school has been a journey of self awareness. Perusing the international bestseller list, my focus landed on Lauren Mackler’s “Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness and Transform Your Life.” Hmmmm. Catchy title, so I leafed between the covers. Ms. Mackler’s book was really an eleven (11) step how-to tutorial which guides the reader through some self-realization practices and teaches a person how to be their own best friend.
Many people go through their lives waiting for a soulmate to make them whole. Perhaps more disturbing, are the number of people who settle for a relationship that is not fulfilling, just to “not” be alone. Ms. Mackler’s theory is based on the idea that if a person develops the self-awareness and life skills needed to live a full, happy, successful, and financially secure life – it becomes irrelevant if you’re living life alone or with someone else. She believes that “mastering the art of aloneness gives you mastery of your own life”... click here to read the entire article.
SOLEMATE Reading Group Tool Kit Giveaway!
In celebration of the April launch of the new Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life paperback edition, we’re giving away free copies of the Solemate Reading Group Kit throughout April’s Life Keys radio shows. So tune in to Lauren’s Life Keys show at Hay House Radio on Tuesdays 3pm ET, 12pm PT!
The Solemate Reading Group Tool Kit is designed to be used in tandem with the book Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life. The Tool Kit contains information, tips, and materials for forming and leading a Solemate Reading Group. Solemate Reading Groups are a wonderful way to provide people with a supportive setting in which they can share their experience of the mastering the art of aloneness process in a group environment; benefit from others’ experiences and insights; and enjoy a supportive community of like-minded people committed to mastering the art of aloneness and to achieving the life vision to which they aspire.
Solemate’s One-Year Anniversary!
Post your Solemate experience on my blog and receive a free Solemate Reading Group Tool Kit! Once it's posted, send an email to and we'll email you a free kit.
This month marks the one-year Solemate anniversary and the April 15, 2010 release of the brand-new paperback edition! I want to thank all the people who made Solemate an international bestseller and helped to spread its message across the world. And I’m thrilled to announce that Solemate will also be released in French, Chinese, and Vietnamese!
In celebration, I gathered some of the feedback I’ve received from Facebook fans and Amazon reviewers. It’s been an amazing journey over the past year, and I’ve been happy to hear from people who have used the mastering the art of aloneness roadmap to transform their relationship with themselves and others, and improve their lives. I feel very blessed to be able to share my experiences and insights with people all around the world.
What has your journey to mastering the art of aloneness been like? How have you used the Solemate roadmap to change your life? Post your Solemate experience on my blog to enter to win a signed copy of the new Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life paperback!
Warmly, Lauren
Amazon Book Reviews
Solemate Hits Home! by Jeanne Bryan
The first 2/3rds of this book really helped me dig deeper into my relationship with myself, and I will definitely "work it" several times more because of the benefits I've reaped. Mackler pulls from good/trustworthy psychological resources, and has a knack for condensing it down for easier absorption. She is a "hands-on teacher" who urges you to keep a record of your progress. I hate to admit it, but her pushing kept me focused and moving forward.
The last few chapters, which address "Action Steps" to create external "support systems", were a bit advanced for me. The progress is necessarily slower than the read. But I think that's natural and a good challenge to have. Because of Mackler's warm writing style and delivery, I will keep this book and my journal fully active in my life.
With the help of my therapist, I'm still processing the earlier sections of the book - which are essential in order to fully move into the last chapters. everything good in life, this "mastering the art of aloneness" takes time. With Lauren Mackler as a virtual friend, urging me on...someone who lived through this and came out the other side...I am in good company. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to master self love.
I love this book! A must read! by wmson75
What a wonderful book! I feel that this is a must read book for everyone regardless of age, gender, or relationship status. Yes, with the clever title, one might think it is only for people looking for a relationship, or looking to better the one that he or she is presently in, and, it is. However, it is truly a book for anyone looking to make positive, and lasting changes in his or her life. I am a happily married mother of two young boys, who works part-time, and this book has truly changed how I live my life day to day, how I interact with those around me, how I parent my children, and how I treat myself.
This book is tremendously insightful, and very well written. It is filled with a compilation of all of the tools (as well as the theories behind them) to take concrete, doable actions to move forward in your life and to live true to who you are. I think that so many of us know that we want "more" yet we don't always know what that "more" is, why we want "more", and how to get "more" out of our lives. Many of us just walk around doing the same old thing day in and day out, or as Lauren Mackler calls it, living life by default. She gives us the tools to live a more deliberate life, one that we have outlined for ourselves, and one that is more in line with our authentic selves.
What I love about this book is that it truly gave me a comprehensive step-by-step guide for personal transformation. I found that the book broke things down into manageable pieces for me to read, with corresponding exercises/activities for me to do. Each one built upon the next one, and at the end of the book, I had a life vision statement that empowered me, excited me, and energized me. And, even better, it is realistic!
I also love that Lauren Mackler is upfront about this work. She reminds readers that this is a process, not something to be achieved overnight, and not something that comes along merely by positive thinking alone (although she does use visualization). Yet, this work is transformative, and its results are life changing and long lasting.
I have given this book to many people (I can't bear to loan mine out as I reference it a lot!), and they have all loved it as much as I have.
Must read for everybody - single or attached. Great book!
This is a must read for anybody, single or attached; to really understand your past and what is keeping you from becoming the person you were "meant to be". It is well-written and a good read as Lauren Mackler shares her own experiences and introduces her clients' stories. It's about becoming the partner you seek. Mackler is very compassionate in this topic, and gives readers practical step-by-step exercises at the end of each chapter. Mackler writes that if you discover "the person you really are beneath the layers of your life conditioning--and living in a conscious and deliberate way so you can achieve the results that you want from life and feel complete and happy on your own." She clearly articulates what I have been feeling. I always believed that feeling happy is a process which takes focus, strategy, and commitment. Mackler is very resourceful in giving great advices on keeping focus and sustaining a commitment. Her book made me feels reenergized to focus on my vision and work towards that goal. I recommend this book as a gift to yourself and also friends!
Should be a must read for everyone!, By A. Mansky "Bookluver444"
This book is a fantastic, well-written, and well organized book. I would highly recommend this book for everyone, single or not. I have read countless books in the self-help genre but none of the books get to the core of the human issues as clearly as this book does. I read it in three days and plan to do all of the exercises. I have numerous books on manifesting love but as Mackler expresses in her book, how can you manifest love if you have a unconscious block. This book clearly helps the reader get to the root of those unconscious blocks. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book.
"If your energy is being expended in staying safe - in avoiding failure, rejection, physical harm, and emotional pain by avoiding the people, places, and situations that trigger your fears-then that energy is tied up in your vigilance to stay safe instead of in fulfilling your potential." Page 78
"If you make finding a soul mate the main focus of your life-and many people do-then if he or she fails to show up, you may spend many days or months or years waiting for a happy and fulfilling life instead of living it." Page 32
Thanks for writing this terrific book, Lauren. It is a Godsend.
Solemate Is Where The Action Is By Beth M.
Lauren Mackler's book, "Solemate," provides a totally new and thoughtful point of view about shedding self-limiting barriers, becoming complete with yourself and learning that aloneness is a happy place, if I allow it. I have a whole new perspective on walking into a room all by myself. I realize that my joy, confidence and self worth comes from within - it's a stream of plenty that I can always tap into. I recommend this to everyone - in or out of relationship.
I am reviewing this tho I am only 1/2 way through the book By
Sorry if that bothers some readers, but I had to comment now, because even half way through the book I have felt empowered and inspired living a single life. I will add an update when done with this book, but so far I am very happy with what I have read- even though I am not ashamed of being single not at all!, this book has helped give me more structure for those beliefs...that we singles, especially women who are very pressured into relationships by society, are whole and valid members of the world. Dont singles now outnumber marrieds in the US census? I just think for me, it has been a myth, the pressure to find that one and only. I do believe in love and relationships but I do not believe that a person who is single is inferior or is without love in his or her life. There is incredible freedom and joy and an alternative way of life in being alone and I am learning to embrace it, without "waiting" for prince charming to be happy. If that happens, I will go where that relationship goes, but in the Now, I am happier and living more fully.
I hope this is helpful. We are all works in progress!
inspiring By Eileen C. Bolduc "mammy of four"
The book was very well written and spoke to me throughout every chapter. Solemate was interactive just enough to open my eyes to the realization that aloneness can be just as peaceful and fulfilling as I choose to make it be. Nothing compares to a day with my grandchildren but setting goals and having a long term plan for myself created a sense of awareness of my emotions and their origin. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will research more writings of Lauren Mackler.
A great book! By Babs
This is a really compelling read. I think it will help many people untie the knots they've carried within themselves throughout their lives. And who can resist that clever title!
Facebook Fans’ Feedback Robert Chun Qiao Like most of the readers of your books and listeners of your radio show, I was and am still at times one of them who is desperate for a relationship for all the wrong reasons, such as peer pressure, traditional family values and so on. I tried to look for it, to pray for it and to want it badly in my heart, it just didn't come. The failure of being able to obtain what I was longing for had really been detrimental to my already low self-esteem... My spiritual journey started in 2009. As a person who had never given or received a Valentine's Day gift, I decided to make a change last year, which was 2009, to be my own Valentine; after all, my guts and my souls are the closest lovers that i could depend on and spend my life with. I purchased a greeting card and wrote the loving words that I always desired for from a lover. I cropped two images which contained the physical attributes of my ideal mates and stick them on my vision board. In addition, my daily affirmation to myself about how tolerant and acceptive of I am to myself really helped pump up my hope. I'm still learning, hopeful and living my Canadian dream. As long as I, not try, but do my best at the end of the day, I'm at peace. We got to love ourselves first, before we're able to love others. The commercialization of our world only contributed to materialism, which somewhat has become a synonymous of what love is. We got to learn to distance ourselves from the false pretenses of messages and just let go and be in the flow of life. Thanks Ms. Lauren Mackler for your personal response to my post. Marilyn Swart While operating within the mental construct of romance it is very hard for both persons to actually be empowered. Usually one person is more empowered than the other. If both are "committed" to individual empowerment in the truest sense, it can be a grand adventure. It is very hard to be yourself if you are wearing the masks of the emotional dynamics called: Prince and Princess. The day inevitably comes where you realize you are no longer in an Ivory Tower. After taking off the mask, you are indeed alone... but sovereign, whole, and royal in a broader way. THAT becomes your new crown!
Sonya LLoyd.....i have just read your book twice it has helped me so much! Thank you for writing it.......its a life changing read :)
Linda Guariglio I can so relate with this topic! 20 yrs ago I found myself divorced and alone. I lost my daughter, my house, and financial security. First, I had to find myself again...the single person. As I figured out who that was, my new life began! Now I look at the experience as a God's way of telling me there were other things for me to do in this
lifetime. I've learned to do things by myself and for myself (always listening to my angels), which empowers me in so many ways. I have just now reached a point in time where I feel I'm ready to share my world with a loving man with like interests for adventure! To your listeners....learn to love yourself FIRST! Remember who you were BEFORE the breakup or the event that left you alone. That person is STILL THERE!!! Joni T Strickfaden Your book and radio show are FABULOUS... God Bless your work... you helped me tremendously, ALONE and Growing!
Wendy Costa Just bought your book and I am loving it!!!!
Carrie Helft Goodman I just wanted to thank you again with all my heart for what you did for me at "I can do it" in Tampa...You and your book has been what I have been missing in my healing Journey. Thank you for pulling up that Imaz sized screen in front of me, which forced my internal Carrie to see and hear what the world sees in me and ...I have been unable to see in myself...My journey has been long and winding and I know will continue to be that way for a while..but I am so grateful to say..moving foward...God Bless you and the Miracles you brought out in me and will continue to do so as I do the work in your book...Thanks for being a precious gift in all our lives!!!!!
Cledra McCullers I have to agree Carrie. It has been incredible the progress I've made "driving" since I got back from Tampa. When the 7 year old got out of the drivers seat life started changing pretty quickly. Also thanks for making your book available for Kindle download! Makes it airport friendly for me for sure.
Gigi Flowers I loved your show on Hayhouse regarding Demystifying Romantic Chemistry! Wow, I have your book, Solemate, along with other books that have helped me on my journey and healing from dysfunctional relationships and am sooo much better now. EVERYTHING you say I relate to and from that show, the part about emotionally aloof and narcissistic men are ones who I chose and yes, I am aware of this and know that I am a warm and emotionally stable and open woman who deserves better. Thank you.
Becky Thomas Thank you so much for this weekend. It was amazing. I am so excited to continue my journey with a new perspective, finally, I see opportunities instead of obstacles. Thank you for that!!! Be Well, Becky.
Heather Macdonald LaMarre I am a joyful, confident, self-sufficient woman.... who is spending time each day working to crystallize my vision... thanks for sharing your experience, knowledge, encouragement, and love...
Rick Zlotziver Thank you so much for an awesome workshop. LOVED IT! I am ending a relationship and it was great to hear your insight and personal experience through your own life challenges. I am looking forward to hearing you speak again and just started reading your book. Thanks again! Rick Z
Cledra McCullers Your workshop at the I CAN DO IT conference was life changing for me! SO glad to hear you're going to start a coaching workshop. I felt the "click" I've been looking for. AWESOME JOB!!!!!! Hope you're back for 2010.
Cheryll Dossas Hi Lauren, I'm a huge fan of yours here in Boston. I've been to Living Fearlessly and Solemate workshops. I just wanted to share a message I received on FB from a friend of mine who lives in Colorado -Lania DeMers Cheryll, thanks for the book recommendation. I learned a LOT from Lauren Mackler! ♥
Rinda Aiu God Bless all of you at the Conference and Thank you Lauren for all you do to help heal the world!!!!!!!!!!!
Michele Hammond excellent god bless you, sweet soul, I love the way ur grace reaches out to touch people to enlighten there souls.
Joni T Strickfaden I'll be reading your book again... today! I am appreciating my alone time! My friend (58 yr, PhD, married, Dean of Architecture) was killed in a car by a texting driver... life is too short to worry. Thank you for your book that inspires and appreciates wherever you are! I will be devouring your book Solemate on my travels this week... i love it! "Solemate" is fabulous...daahling! Namaste
Susie Black Today this is more appropriate than ever, Lauren! Thank you!!! I brought Solemate with me on a trip, and it is time to read a few chapters!
Elisabeth Pacheco hi Lauren i've been trying to find your book soulmate, i haven't had much luck. i think it would be beneficial to myself and other women in my life. i've already have a list of people who want it. can you please let me know where i can purchase it. Liz from Toronto.
Anne White Johnston I love the idea of "mastering the art of aloneness", always have. I am so glad to hear you support and discuss it. I hope you are a huge success on hayhouse, I don't want to lose the ability to hear you.
Deborah McLernon Hi Lauren, Loving your book! - a wonderful tool to help transform your life. Great show on Hay House too. Look forward to listening to your show from Bonnie Scotland!
Kelly Jad'on Thanks Lauren! Soulmate is a wonderful book--written from the author's heart! Edifying reading for everyone. If you have the chance to meet Lauren Mackler, do so.
Kathy Murch McCarthy Hi Lauren - I bought your book and am really enjoying it! It's on my Kindle and am thinking about also getting it as a "real book" so I can share it with other. I hope you are well! Kathy Murch McCarthy (fellow dogscooper - Ozzy's Mom)
Jo Kosewski Just ordered your book, both for me and for the women who signed up for Argentina. Looking forward to reading it.
Ann Marie Danahy MacKinnon Started reading your book SoleMate.....what a fantastic accomplishment...I will highly recommend it to clients.....Best of luck with all your success!
Solemate at Cambridge Center for Adult Education: 5/22/2010
Many people spend years waiting for a soul mate to make them complete. Others settle for unfulfilling relationships out of fear of being alone. Renowned coach, radio host, and bestselling author of “Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life” Lauren Mackler will present her groundbreaking roadmap to help you achieve mastery of your own life, so you can experience a sense of wholeness and well-being on your own or in a relationship. Based upon Lauren's “Solemate” book, this presentation is about treating yourself well, shedding your self-defeating patterns, and becoming the person you were born to be.
May 22, 2010
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Cambridge Center for Adult Education
42 Brattle Street
Cambridge. MA
Becoming the Partner You Seek: Interview with Lauren on
Lauren Mackler, bestselling author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, renowned coach, and relationship expert, talks about mastering the art of aloneness and becoming the partner you seek. Lauren has risen to international prominence as the creator of Illumineering, a groundbreaking coaching method that integrates family systems work, psychodynamic psychology, and coaching to help people free themselves from the shackles of their life conditioning, and create the personal and professional lives to which they aspire.