Eleven and a half percent of people over 15 in Florida are divorced; data released by Miami Dade County reveals that divorce rates have slightly lowered in 2009 but curiously, one recent argument to why divorce rates have declined in the United States explains that it may be because of the terrible economical situation. According to a study done by a Miami local news station, people don't want to get a divorce because of the struggles a split-up usually brings. "It is easier to stay married than to go through the difficulties of paying a lawyer, the court, and then having to divide everything you have," explains a 32 year old woman who is currently having conflicts with her husband. "We even live in the same house and sleep in separate rooms, we act like roommates." She adds.
Lauren Mackler, a national known life coach, calls this one situation "extremely unhealthy", and explains that in general, divorce and separation situations will continue as long as people don't learn how to treat themselves before getting involved as she explains in her latest book "Solemate". A healthy life starts with a relationship with yourself. "Living in an unhealthy relationship is not right, but it is starts when you don't seem to know how to be alone," explains Mackler. "Having a healthy relationship with you- like Lauren with Lauren- prevents bad relationships in the future." Mackler also describes in her book Solemate how to enjoy the art of being good to you. "Treating yourself as well as you treat other people is key. People tend to treat other people much better ...