Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

THE ART OF RELATIONSHIP WEBINAR, 6/11/22, 10am-11:15am: Tired of conflict with your partner, failed relationships, or feeling like you’re “settling” for less than your ideal partnership? Do you repeat the same relationships patterns over and over again without understanding why? In this eye-opening evening designed for couples and single or divorced individuals, world-renowned coach, CNN relationship expert, and bestselling author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, Lauren Mackler, presents a pathway to conscious partnership. She demystifies the hidden drivers of romantic chemistry, why relationships either thrive or die, and practical tools for creating a healthy and fulfilling partnership or marriage.

Recipe for Optimal Living

Recipe for Optimal Living

Schedule “Me” Time: Open your calendar and book a date with yourself. Carving out time for yourself is not selfish. It’s impossible to have good relationships with others if you don’t have a good relationship with yourself. After work or on the weekend spend time doing a hobby you enjoy or taking a walk in nature. Reflect on your life, assess your needs, or do something that makes you feel good. Take a walk in nature or spend Friday night in your favorite PJ’s with a good movie. Scheduling “me” time is an important part of maintaining healthy physical and mental balance. Making it part of your weekly schedule is a great way to bring self-nurturance and good self-care into your life on an on-going basis.



In honor of Mother’s Day, below is a reprint of my article from May, 2020.

Tomorrow will be my sixteenth motherless Mother’s Day. And while it had gotten easier over time, the absence of my mother feels now like a wound opened anew. Exacerbating these feelings are the demise of my fourteen-year-old dog seven weeks ago, day seventy of coronavirus social distancing, and the loss of intimate family relationships—all in the midst of an unprecedented transfiguration of life as we knew it.

With both parents gone, I currently reside full-time on the other side of the parent-child equation. Among other things, this includes my being on the receiving end of behaviors I once directed toward my own parents. As a family-systems-trained psychotherapist and coach, I have seen these types of multi-generational pattern replications frequently in my practice, as well as being an active participant of their playing out in my personal life.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

The Art of Interpersonal & Emotional Intelligence Webinar - May 19, 2022, 7pm-8:15pm via Zoom: Learn how to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and boundaries in ways that strengthen and preserve your relationships with others. Expand your interpersonal skill set in this powerful webinar with Lauren Mackler, a world-renowned coach, CNN commentator, best-selling author of Solemate and co-author of Speaking of Success with Jack Canfield and Stephen Covey. Lauren will teach you how to gain mastery of your emotions, communicate clearly and effectively, and manage differences in ways that invoke others’ respect, defuse conflict, and produce the outcomes you want in your personal life, relationships, and at work.

The Art of Healthy Boundaries Webinar

The Art of Healthy Boundaries Webinar

The Art of Healthy Boundaries Webinar, 4/23/22, 10am-11:30am: Many people think that boundaries mean saying no. While it’s important to be able to say no, knowing what you need is equally as important. Boundaries are a tool for letting others know what’s important to you, and critical to sharing healthy and joyful relationships with others. In this Zoom event, world-renowned coach, psychotherapist, CNN commentator, and author of international bestseller Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness and Transform Your Life, Lauren Mackler, addresses the various types of boundaries for different settings and situations, and how to effectively communicate boundaries in ways that strengthen versus diminish relationships with others.

Infidelity Misunderstood & Mistreated

Infidelity Misunderstood & Mistreated

Cheaters and philanderers are jerks; people who are no-good, contemptible human beings. At least that seems to be the general consensus of many people who judge others’ amorous infidelities.

Before I continue, let me make a couple of things clear. Do I think it’s fine for someone to break a monogamous agreement or engage in unfaithful behavior? No, although it is certainly not uncommon. Do I think it’s okay to put one’s spouse and children in a painful position—and perhaps even continue to do so after expressing regret over an infidelity? No, cheating on a partner not only doesn’t solve someone’s problems, it is deeply injurious and erodes the foundation of trust—which can take years to rebuild, if at all.

The Benefits of Food Planning

The Benefits of Food Planning

Planning meals and snacks in advance has many benefits. Planning helps you optimize your time, reduce stress, and improve your health. Spending less than an hour a day on food preparation often leads to eating more fast food, while spending more time promotes better eating habits, like consuming more fruits and vegetables. A fabulous resource that cuts through the thicket of confusing—and often downright wrong—advice on nutrition and gives you easy-to-digest, scientific information to discover which foods your body needs to thrive, is a book titled, The PlantPlus Diet Solution: Personalized Nutrition for Life, by Dr. Joan Borysenko, a dear friend and fellow Hay House author. As a psychologist and cell biologist—Joan helps you psych out your inner saboteur, and master the dietary changes to which you aspire.

The Myths of Midlife Crisis

The Myths of Midlife Crisis

For many people, midlife can be a significant wake-up call. The midlife transition can begin as early as the age of 30 and as late as 60. Midlife is a time when many people find themselves stepping back and evaluating how they want to live for the rest of their lives. They’ve had the chance to build a life and reap the rewards of their endeavors. As they look toward the second half of their lives, they may find themselves asking: Who am I? What’s the meaning of my life? What do I really want?

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

The Art of Emotional Freedom Webinar, 3/26/22, 10am-11:30am: Are you often run by your feelings? In this Zoom webinar, you'll learn about the origins of chronic, toxic emotions, and practical tools to stop their diminishing effect on your life. Whether your emotional “addiction” is to anger, depression, fear, insecurity, or some other emotional pattern, renowned coach and bestselling author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, Lauren Mackler, will help you better understand the chronic emotions limiting your life, and how to transform them to ones that create a more joyful inner and outer environment.

Recipe for Optimal Living

Recipe for Optimal Living

Spend Time in the Sun! Sun boosts our mood, improves sleep, and promotes vitamin D production in the body. Many people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (a mild form of depression) during the winter months. Sunshine is good medicine. In fact, many mental health professionals prescribe a daily dose of sunlight to people with depression. Sunlight increases blood circulation and the production of white blood cells, which support the immune system and promote a good night’s sleep. Sunlight is also an excellent source Vitamin D, a key nutrient aiding in calcium absorption for strong bones and teeth.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

SOLEMATE: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life Webinar, 2/10/22, 7pm-8:30pm

Many people spend years seeking a “soul mate” to complete them. Others settle for unfulfilling relationships out of fear of being alone. Based upon the Solemate book, bestselling author, therapist, and coach Lauren Mackler presents her groundbreaking roadmap to shedding old, self-defeating patterns, achieving mastery of your own life, and experiencing a greater sense of wholeness and joy on your own or in a relationship. This Zoom webinar is designed for people who are single, divorced, or who seek greater independence in their relationship.

Live Each Day as If It's Your Last

Live Each Day as If It's Your Last

Recipe for Optimal Living
One of my favorite quotes from Mahatma Gandhi is, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Too often we go through our days as though they were of infinite supply. We take ourselves and others for granted. Our egos, anger, and resentments are more important than the people we love. We settle for less than our heart’s desire, believing that we always have tomorrow to create a more meaningful and fulfilling life. At a 2005 keynote address at Stanford University, Steve Jobs shared some great advice. He said that one of his daily rituals was to ask himself, "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "no" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

The Art of Emotional Detachment

The Art of Emotional Detachment

I had an interaction this morning that inspired this month’s Live Boldly article. I offered a vendor with whom I regularly do business some unsolicited, but well-intentioned advice. Having recently slipped on black ice and severely breaking my arm, I cautioned them about walking on ice without boot grippers for protection.

Now granted, I’ve become somewhat obsessed with the advocacy of snow grippers since my accident, but the person’s response was shocking and upsetting. In short, the person “bit my head off” with an intensity that triggered a physiological, nervous system response. Despite my shakiness and increased heart rate, I responded resourcefully by apologizing and sharing that I wanted them to remain safe on the ice.

As I got back in my car and was driving home alone, an inner battle began. I noticed two parts of me that were invoked by the interaction. One was the reactive, child part that long ago learned to override hurt feelings with anger. The other was the mindful, adult part that sought to understand what happened, and bring my nervous system back into balance.

No is the New Yes

No is the New Yes

Do you avoid expressing yourself from fear of disapproval, rejection, or conflict? If so, you’re not alone.

In my Illumineering Coaching practice, I work with high-functioning, successful people doing interesting things in the world. And yet, the majority of them were conditioned to believe that saying no, setting boundaries, or sharing real feelings and needs will threaten or even extinguish relationships.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events


I’m excited to share I’ll be speaking at the online FREE Relationship Super Conference running through October 10th! The event features over 60 expert speakers covering a range of topics from connection and intimacy, repairing after arguments, breaking toxic relationship cycles, loneliness and isolation, and much more.

Benefits of Food Planning

Benefits of Food Planning

Planning meals and snacks in advance has many benefits. Planning helps you optimize your time, reduce stress, and improve your health. Spending less than an hour a day on food preparation often leads to eating more fast food, while spending more time promotes better eating habits, like consuming more fruits and vegetables.

Recipe for Optimal Living

Recipe for Optimal Living


I often tell clients that where you focus is where you go. In other words, we largely determine how we feel in each given moment by what we focus on or tell ourselves. A practical and powerful way to re-direct your mind and emotions to a more positive inner state is through a regular gratitude practice. Practicing gratitude is simply taking time to reflect upon the things you value and for which you’re thankful, both big and small, such as a call from a friend to see how you are, good health, or a stunning sunset. People who practice gratitude experience more joy, feel more inspired, sleep better, have more compassion toward themselves and others, and even have stronger immune systems.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

CREATING & KEEPING THE RELATIONSHIP YOU WANT - Zoom Webinar 10/7/21, 7pm-8:15pm

Do you repeat the same ineffective relationship patterns over and over without understanding why? In this eye-opening webinar for single, divorced, or coupled individuals, world-renowned coach, psychotherapist, and bestselling author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, Lauren Mackler, will present the attributes and behaviors of unconscious relationship.

"Adulting" as a Grown Up

"Adulting" as a Grown Up

Most grown-ups are children in adult bodies. They may have lived 20, 50, or 80 years but the thought, behavioral, and emotional patterns habituated in childhood continue to run their lives.

When we’re born as healthy human beings, we have the innate ability to experience the complete range of human emotions and to express ourselves fully and spontaneously. Absent is the fear of judgment or rejection, or feelings of unworthiness or shame. Then the life conditioning process begins. Our interactions with our caretakers and environment determine how we think about ourselves and others, and the behaviors that are most likely to get our needs met. As dependent little beings, our very survival relies on our adaptation to the overt and covert norms of the family system into which we are born. These patterns of thought, behavior, and emotion are continually reinforced and become habit, developing into what I call the default operating system.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Live Boldly: Becoming Who You Were Born to Be 9/30/21

The pandemic has shifted us into a “new normal” and many new challenges. And like all times of change, we can either resist or embrace change as an opportunity to become more resilient, re-evaluate our purpose and goals, and strengthen our relationship with ourselves and others. In this powerful keynote kicking off the Metrowest Women’s Annual Conference, renowned coach, CNN commentator, and bestselling author, Lauren Mackler, unlocks "potential blockers" that keep you stuck, and provides practical tools for overriding these blocks to liberate your potential, and more fully become the person you were born to be.