Essential Keys to Success

Essential Keys to Success

Many people fail to achieve their goals because they never learned the skills that produce success. No one ever taught them how to set clear goals, create effective action plans, or sustain their motivation.

Whether you want to become a better leader, create a more fulfilling career, or bring greater balance into your life, there are three keys to achieving any type of goal: focus, strategy, and commitment.

Boston 4-Week Workshop! Transforming Toxic Emotions

Boston 4-Week Workshop! Transforming Toxic Emotions

Boston Workshop! Join Lauren for this new, 4-week life-changing journey to free yourself from the shackles of toxic emotional patterns. Whether your emotional “addiction” is to anger, depression, fear, resentment, anxiety, unworthiness, frustration, insecurity, jealousy, or some other emotion, you'll learn about the origins of these patterns, as well as practical tools to stop their diminishing effect on your day-to-day life.  

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

9/10/16 SOLEMATE: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life - Cambridge, MA

Many people spend years waiting for a soul mate to make them complete. Others settle for unfulfilling relationships out of fear of being alone. Renowned coach and psychotherapist, CNN commentator, and international best-selling author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, Lauren Mackler, discusses her groundbreaking roadmap to help you achieve mastery of your own life, and a greater sense of wholeness on your own or in a relationship. This event is also a great introduction for people interested in the upcoming November, 2016 Solemate weekend workshop at Kripalu in Lenox, MA.

Upcoming Live Events

Upcoming Live Events

What would you do if you were fearless? Fear is one of biggest barriers to creating a life aligned with who you really are and the vision to which you aspire. Lauren Mackler, a world-renowned coach and psychotherapist, CNN commentator, and best-selling author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, will help you uncover the roots of the fears that keep you stuck and offer practical tools for overriding fear and bringing your dreams and goals to reality.

Your Inner Compass

Your Inner Compass

Below is a question a client recently asked me during a coaching session. Since so many people struggle with setting boundaries, I thought I'd share the question and my suggestions.

Q: I often find myself torn between wanting to be a supportive and good friend, parent, and co-worker by helping others with things that they need, and getting things done for which I'm responsible at home and at work. If I say no to someone in need I feel guilty, but saying yes all the time makes my life very stressful and exhausting. I also don't want to hurt people's feelings or have them think I'm unsupportive. How do I say no and maintain good relationships with people I care about?


Boss Management 101

Boss Management 101

A positive and mutually respectful relationship with your boss not only makes going to work more pleasant, it can have a significant impact on your job performance and career. But some managers make this very challenging. Many bosses have never learned effective managerial and leadership skills, so average to bad managers are more the norm than the exception.

Myths of Infidelity

Myths of Infidelity

Many years ago, I discovered that my then live-in boyfriend (a psychologist and beloved couple’s therapist) was cheating on me with a colleague he knew from work. The affair had begun while my mother was dying, and I accidentally found out about it a month after she passed away. My initial reactions were disbelief and shock, followed by excruciating pain, then morphing into a seething rage from which I didn’t emerge for the next three years. 

7 Steps to Healthier Relationships

7 Steps to Healthier Relationships

Healthy relationships are critical to our well-being, yet many people never learned the skills to cultivate them. Not all people have what it takes to be supportive, and not all unsupportive people can be avoided—for example, family members and co-workers. But the idea is to identify the qualities that support you, spend time with people who demonstrate those qualities, and, as much as possible, avoid people who are detrimental to your well-being. There are many ways to cultivate healthy relationships, the first of which is to become a supportive friend to others.

Benefits of Food Planning

Benefits of Food Planning

Planning meals and snacks in advance has many benefits. Planning helps you optimize your time, reduce stress, and improve your health. Spending less than an hour a day on food preparation often leads to eating more fast food, while spending more time promotes better eating habits, like consuming more fruits and vegetables.

4/28/16: Reboot in the 2nd Act of Life

4/28/16: Reboot in the 2nd Act of Life

For many people, midlife is challenging and identifying their next steps is an overwhelming and daunting task. In this powerful presentation with Lauren Mackler, a CNN commentator, best-selling author of Solemate and co-author of Speaking of Success with Jack Canfield and Stephen Covey, you will gain practical tools to clarify what you want for your next life chapter and the experiences you seek. Lauren will teach you how to embrace the second act of life as an opportunity to assess where you are, re-evaluate your goals, and create a fulfilling life that you love. 4/28/16 in Brookline, MA. For more info and registration, click here.

4/23/16: The Work You're Born to Do

4/23/16: The Work You're Born to Do

Many people end up in dissatisfying careers because they never clarified the “work they were born to do”—work that leverages their innate strengths and passions, and brings purpose to their lives. Renowned coach, CNN commentator, best-selling author of Solemate and co-author of Speaking of Success with Jack Canfield and Stephen Covey, Lauren Mackler, teaches you how to unearth your innate strengths and clarify the work that you were born to do. In Cambridge, MA, 4/23/16. For more info and registration, click here.

Navigating Resistance at Work

Navigating Resistance at Work

Resistance is a natural part of change, which can hinder or terminate movement. Whether it’s an individual or an organization, a system will resist any change perceived as threatening. In companies, people resist in response to fear of losing control or their jobs. They may recognize the need for change, but fear causes them to hold tight to the status quo.

Resistance is energy, the force of which can be overwhelming. Often, we are inclined to manage this force with force. However, although we may overpower our opponent and win the battle, the war will be lost, because we will have foregone the crucial commitment we needed from the other side.